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Data Catalog
Enertel AI supports forecasts in nine North American ISOs, and provides energy price forecasts at most generator nodes, price hubs, tie-lines and load zones. We produce ancillary services price forecasts at each of CAISO, ERCOT and PJMISO to support battery dispatch decisions.
A comprehensive list of data series and ISOs follows, but if you're wondering if we have prices at your node, the answer is that we probably do! Feel free to reach out on our contact page with your node of choice.
ISO | Data Series | Update Frequency | Forecast Horizon |
AESO | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
CAISO | RegUp | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
CAISO | RegDown | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
CAISO | RTLMP | Hourly | 3 Operating Days |
CAISO | LMP_15MIN | Hourly | 12 Hours |
CAISO | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
CAISO | Spinning | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RTLMP | Daily | 6 Operating Days |
ERCOT | DALMP | Twice per day | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RTLMP | Hourly | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RRS | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RegUp | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | ECRS | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | Net Load | Once per day | 6 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RegDown | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
ERCOT | RTLMP | Hourly | 12 Hours |
ERCOT | Non Spin | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
MISO | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
MISO | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
MISO | Wind Generation | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
NEISO | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
NEISO | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
NYISO | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
NYISO | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
PJM | RT Regulation Capability | Daily | 4 Operating Days |
PJM | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
PJM | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
PJM | Solar Generation | Daily | 2 Operating Days |
PJM | DA Primary Reserve | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
SPPISO | DALMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
SPPISO | RTLMP | Daily | 3 Operating Days |
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